Golden Nugget Lake Charles Hotel & Casino Remodel

golden nugget casino and hotel

QEP Director of Product Management, Chris Ortega, had the opportunity to observe a largescale remodel of the Golden Nugget Lake Charles Hotel & Casino in cooperation with DCO Commercial Flooring. This job consisted of the renovation of over 300 hotel rooms, spanning throughout 14 stories of the hotel.

The objective of the on-site visit was to cultivate and nurture an ongoing relationship between QEP and DCO Commercial Flooring, but it also served as a chance for the company to gain feedback from professional installers as to how the QEP LASH® Leveling System performs in the field.

Prior to the job, QEP supplied DCO with over 60,000 Flat and Curved LASH® Leveling clips along with LASH® wedges and Pro Pliers for the install. The overwhelming reaction was that the project would have been extremely difficult without the LASH®. Tom Holt, Field Superintendant commenting on a slight learning curve associated with using the system said “It took everyone a little practice to get used to them, but once they got the hang of it they gained speed.“ Each room utilized either Flat or Curved clips and wedges to complete the job. All 60,000 clips were used and more needed to be purchased.

“It would have been impossible for us to install an esthetically sound job on this project without your clip system” said Holt, “We did not use the clips on the 3rd floor and replaced several hundred tiles that were unacceptable to the contractor and owner”.

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